There were three broccoli plants in our garden. Broccoli plants for which we paid good money. These were plants that we trusted to do good things for us. The heads of the plants, which are supposed to be tightly-formed and solid clusters of nutrition, were loose and scattered bits of edible green. Worms and grasshoppers could easily get to any parts of the plant that are supposed to be a superfood for our bodies.

After eating about six bites of rubbery, spindly broccoli fruit we jerked the plants out of the ground and left the area open. Some weeds are starting to grow there, but at least the ugly broccoli plants are no longer sneering at us.

Considering the pathetic results of our broccoli crop, it becomes obvious that gardeners are mostly fantasizing about the merits of broccoli. I’m quite sure that stories and photos of healthy heads of maturing broccoli are mostly contrived and distorted versions of garden realities.

That is because gardeners are mostly a self-absorbed lot. They thrive on making their gardens look clean and productive. They take photos of their healthy plants and pretend there are no worms or weeds or blight anywhere nearby.

Simple logic leads me to believe that my experiences with the plants and the elusive benefits of eating broccoli make it impossible to trust statements about the value of this food—or the possibility that a normal human being could successfully grow it.

People all over the world are being duped about the ease of growing their own broccoli. It is a rare occurrence that someone could actually benefit from the experience of planting and eating their own crop of this so-called superfood.

So which broccoli fertilizer have you read about? Did it actually seem effective? Tell me about your negative experiences with this fertilizer.

Do the best gardening books tell you anything that you have found to be untrue? What has this done to your confidence as a gardener? How are you recovering from the damage to your sense of knowledge and competence as an aspiring grower?

Do you know of any gardener who has made false claims about broccoli? What did they say? What did you do to counteract the effects of this misleading information?

What is your version of a superfood? Does anyone actually know what value superfoods have in the diet of the human race? Is there any reason to take this idea seriously?

I think we are back to eating whatever diet our body feels good on. There is no way to know how food affects your life, unless you don’t feel good eating it. If you feel good, keep doing what you’re doing.

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